August 14, 2014

Busy busy busy

Y'all! I have been crafting like crazy... Well I'm not too sure you could call all of it crafting, but either way I have been going going going! In the past week I have spray painted two plates, a candle holder, and lots of frames, hand painted a few, sanded down a frame for a large mirror and a nightstand-like table, I painted both the mirror and nightstand-like table, started on a wreath, hand painted two shadow box frames and hot glued shells in them, and I did some watercolors... I feel like there is something I'm forgetting... Anyways so as you can tell I have been going crazy with the crafting and I'm not even done yet! 

I say nightstand, but we don't use it as a nightstand - we used to, for many years actually. I can't tell you where I got this... I have no recollection of actually acquiring this piece. However I do remember it wasn't painted or stained, it was pretty un-pretty actually. I remember sanding it down and staining it years ago and by golly I was proud of myself! I have to say, I think I did a pretty good job this time too! I was going for a weathered/whitewashed ("Say, Tom, let me whitewash a little." Anytime I think about that word I can't help but think of Tom and Huck) look (hoping for it to look beachy). I have a couple frames that I painted - intending for them to be white, however the paint kind of just soaked in and I was kind of bummed at first, but then when I stood back and took a look at it, it was a perfect whitewashed frame! So that was my inspiration for this piece. However as I sanded, I was realizing this wood was much lighter than the frame was. I was a bit nervous. 

*side note: if you are going to sand something make sure you do it outside and you wear a mask! I thought, 'eh, I'll just sand it inside and I'll vacuum up the dust later. And I don't need a mask, I'll just cover my face with my shirt!' I'm obviously not the brightest... the sawdust was super hard to vacuum up, but regardless it was all over everything in the house! Not to mention in my mouth, eyes, and nose! YUCK! Also I'm really impressed that I actually remembered to take pictures during this process... obviously I forgot to take the very beginning before picture, but at least I have one that works!
 I actually kind of liked how it turned out, but I was still set on painting it white.

I started to get bummed out after I applied the first coat. It was looking more like a primer than the whitewash look I was going for.

I added another coat and I think it turned out really well! The little holes from the nails on the top and front and the splitting edges really made the look I thought. It feels very beachy to me! 

I might like gold. I do. I have a lot of frames up on our gallery wall already, and I was trying to find the color I don't have much of and gold happened to be it. So most of the frames are gold, however I did spray a few teal and white. I was holding the candle holder while I spray painted and got a pretty design on my hand!

*side note: goo gone really helps get spray paint off your skin! 

While I was waiting for the first coat to dry the weather dropped a degree or two, it got a little windy and it started to sprinkle. It was beautiful! I LOVED it. So I laid down and just enjoyed the little sprinkle.

Shadow Boxes:
A local craft store in town is shutting down (super sad face about this, but the owner wants to retire) and as a result is selling all of its inventory (even shelves - which we bought two of them and I can't wait to get them in!) so I have been randomly stopping in taking advantage of their discounts. One of the times I went in, I found these cute little shadow box frames, and they have a bunch of different types of shells. So I grabbed two frames, some scrapbook paper, and picked out some shells and went to town!

Have you done any crafts lately? 


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