August 29, 2014

closet confidential - monthly link up

I am linking up with Kiki @ in its time and Jenna @ Dearest Love for this month's The Circle monthly link up!

I am not what I would call fashionable. I wear jeans (and the occasional colored pant) and t-shirts or cardigans. But here is a little peak into my closet!

1. What is the newest piece in your closet?
The newest piece in my closet is this sweater cardigan from Target. I got it a couple weeks ago, but I just took the tag of two days ago! I haven't worn it yet, but I love this piece, it's so cute and soo perfect for the fall weather that is right around the corner! I think I will pair it with some dark jeans and a solid top (white probably) and some leather flats.

2. What is the oldest piece in your closet?
I think this is from 94/95. (20 years!?) It belonged to my brother, he was a contestant in a bible trivia game being held... somewhere - not anything on tv, it was held by a youth group or something - but I remember him wearing the shirt there. I don't know if he was on a volleyball team or maybe he got the shirt at a thrift store? I couldn't tell you that... I googled Metro District Volleyball and it kept coming up with things from Colorado, at the time we lived in New York and he had never been to Colorado, so I don't know where this shirt came from. Except for that he wore it on that day as a contestant in a bible trivia game. It has paint stains and bleach marks all over it, so this shirt is mainly used for gardening, cleaning, or anything that I do where I might get dirty and not want to ruin something.

3. What is the least expensive piece in your closet?
I don't care about clothing brands and I don't spend a lot on clothes, and to be honest I couldn't tell you what I paid for most of the things in my closet (I mean I pay attention to the prices at the store, but when I get home... who knows?!). This tank top was given to me by a friend years ago and I love it! It's super comfortable and festive for the 4th of July!

4. What is the biggest bargain in your closet?
Again, like I said above, I don't spend an awful lot on clothes so really it could be anything, but I'm going to say this skirt is my biggest bargain. I got it years ago for maybe $12 or $15 and it's like "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Skirt" - except the skirt doesn't travel, but it has fit me perfect at any size I've been no matter what I've gained or lost, it always fit perfectly! It is also really comfortable! The material is similar to that of a t-shirt, very soft and flowy.

5. What is the most expensive piece in your closet?
The most expensive item in my closet is something I've worn only once. My wedding dress. It was $500 which is more than I wanted to spend, but when I tried it on, I couldn't say no! I felt like a princess in the dress! I don't have a current picture of it, so here is one from our wedding day.

6. What two items are you loving right now?
I have three pieces actually, they are all shirts. The first two are perfect for just going to run errands, or a day out. both are from Target. The last one is from Walmart and It's perfect for a casual evening out! In fact last night we went to a rib cook off in town and I wore it for that!

What is in your closet?

In Its Time

August 27, 2014

pj chat | vol. 1

So for the past two weeks or so, I have started a bunch of different posts and before I could finish writing, I got interrupted and so I have like a billion drafts half written sitting there waiting to be finished. This was one of them...
I have seen posts like this on other's blogs and I thought it would be fun to start here at The Found Life. I don't remember what everyone else called this little series, but I'm going to call it the pj chat. Why? Because pajamas are my favorite and you can always have a good real conversation when chatting in pjs. And because I work from home in pajamas.


Real life. this shirt is like 4 years old and it has big holes in the armpits (why!? I mean I don't scratch them or anything that would cause holes!) but it is one of my very favorite shirts! oh and today, I had some errands to do so I got dressed and when I got home I went straight for my pjs and when I picked my pants up (they are from target by the way and are the most comfortable ever, however in the picture Target has on their website the chick is wearing heels... I don't know maybe I don't know anything about fashion... but I just don't see these pants (which are like sweat pant material) being paired with heels... or anything but slippers or socks) some tylenol fell out. I put them in my pocket last night to take but I guess I forgot about it and I fell asleep with it in my pocket. woops.

Anyways, I'm just going to get right to it now.

THINKING ABOUT: The future. I am a planner and there is a lot going on... or not going on (I don't know?)... in life right now, and I want to make plans. But each thing depends on something else to happen before we can know if the next thing will happen... which sort of stresses me out.
EATING: String cheese. This has been one of my favorite snacks since middle school! My best friend Liz (Hi Liz!) and I were on the mat crew (we kept score/time, took care of medic stuff like a broken nose) for the wrestling team in high school and we traveled with them to all their meets and we would both bring extra string cheese for each other!
LOVING: The cooler weather! It's just a little taste of Autumn which is just around the corner and I can hardly wait!! All the pretty colors and the scarves and sweaters and of course the pumpkin spice lattes!
WATCHING: Haven. I am a dork when it comes to what I watch on tv... well we don't have cable, we just have netflix. But I love all the syfy shows (Eureka, Warehouse 13) or other science fiction type shows (Dr. Who, Alphas, h20 (a show about mermaids - go ahead and laugh), and terra nova). I have been watching it non stop the past week!
FEELING: Determined. I had a little eye opener today - I couldn't tell you exactly what it was, but I am excited to take on life and get things done!
LISTENING TO: I love singer/songwriter music and lately I've been listening to the Foy Vance Radio on Pandora! If you haven't heard of Foy Vance you should go check him out!! (One of his songs is part of the reason behind my blog name!) But right now I am listening to the hum of my hard drive and the little snoozes of Hubble and Phoebe they are sharing their bed and being so cute!
READING: I just finished the 21st (and most recent) book of the Stephanie Plum novels. I have LOVED this series and I am really really hoping that more come out!! They are funny and exciting!! Such a good read!
THANKFUL FOR: My husband and everything he does for our little family! He works so hard and I think that sometimes I take that and him for granted.

So, that's it! Feel free to join in you can call it the pj chat or whatever you would like!! :) If you do join in, share the link to yours in the comments below so I can follow along!! :)

August 22, 2014

friendly friday

I LOVE getting handwritten notes. And I love sending them! When I was in elementary school I remember having a pen pal and it was so fun to get to know this person (sadly I don't know them anymore) through those letters!

There is something to authentic, raw, and intimate about receiving a handwritten note (whether mailed to you or not). You see the smudge of the pen where their hand rubbed across the paper, you can smell the scent of their home and the ink mixed. There is nothing like it.

I want to send you a handwritten letter. I want to get to know you! Will you be my penpal?

If you want to receive a letter from me email me at

I hope you have a lovely day and a lovely weekend! I can't wait to write to you!!

August 20, 2014


I am behind... on basically everything in life right now... I am the worst at time management, and I have a bad case of the "I can't concentrate on one project at a time because while I'm working through one, I think of another and pause my current task to work on this new one." Do you ever get that? That's basically me err-day!

So since I don't have anything worth sharing right now, I'll share two videos with you. Of my dog (Hubble) and my cat (Phoebe), basically they are the best things ever...

(sorry I don't know how to embed the files in here, so you'll just have to click the link above)

August 15, 2014

friday's letters

Dear Handsome Man, I am SOOO happy that you are home! You are all mine this weekend! And I can't wait to just be with you! Dear Girls, I hope you know how incredibly precious you two are! I love you soo very much! Dear Crafts, Thank you for keeping me busy while my mister was away! I have a few more of you to tackle in the next few weeks and I'm already excited! Dear Tahoe, We haven't seen you in a while, we are hoping to make our way up there this weekend for a little hike! Dear Harmony & Emily, Thank you for the craft day, it was much needed! I can't wait to hang out again! Dear Nectarine Tree, You have so much fruit on you and I can't wait till they are all ready to eat! I had one today and they are almost there! Dear Derek, I found a little note in your bag that you had listed your goals on, even after almost 10 years together, I still get butterflies at little things like that, seeing you plan ahead for the future. OUR future!

August 14, 2014

Busy busy busy

Y'all! I have been crafting like crazy... Well I'm not too sure you could call all of it crafting, but either way I have been going going going! In the past week I have spray painted two plates, a candle holder, and lots of frames, hand painted a few, sanded down a frame for a large mirror and a nightstand-like table, I painted both the mirror and nightstand-like table, started on a wreath, hand painted two shadow box frames and hot glued shells in them, and I did some watercolors... I feel like there is something I'm forgetting... Anyways so as you can tell I have been going crazy with the crafting and I'm not even done yet! 

I say nightstand, but we don't use it as a nightstand - we used to, for many years actually. I can't tell you where I got this... I have no recollection of actually acquiring this piece. However I do remember it wasn't painted or stained, it was pretty un-pretty actually. I remember sanding it down and staining it years ago and by golly I was proud of myself! I have to say, I think I did a pretty good job this time too! I was going for a weathered/whitewashed ("Say, Tom, let me whitewash a little." Anytime I think about that word I can't help but think of Tom and Huck) look (hoping for it to look beachy). I have a couple frames that I painted - intending for them to be white, however the paint kind of just soaked in and I was kind of bummed at first, but then when I stood back and took a look at it, it was a perfect whitewashed frame! So that was my inspiration for this piece. However as I sanded, I was realizing this wood was much lighter than the frame was. I was a bit nervous. 

*side note: if you are going to sand something make sure you do it outside and you wear a mask! I thought, 'eh, I'll just sand it inside and I'll vacuum up the dust later. And I don't need a mask, I'll just cover my face with my shirt!' I'm obviously not the brightest... the sawdust was super hard to vacuum up, but regardless it was all over everything in the house! Not to mention in my mouth, eyes, and nose! YUCK! Also I'm really impressed that I actually remembered to take pictures during this process... obviously I forgot to take the very beginning before picture, but at least I have one that works!
 I actually kind of liked how it turned out, but I was still set on painting it white.

I started to get bummed out after I applied the first coat. It was looking more like a primer than the whitewash look I was going for.

I added another coat and I think it turned out really well! The little holes from the nails on the top and front and the splitting edges really made the look I thought. It feels very beachy to me! 

I might like gold. I do. I have a lot of frames up on our gallery wall already, and I was trying to find the color I don't have much of and gold happened to be it. So most of the frames are gold, however I did spray a few teal and white. I was holding the candle holder while I spray painted and got a pretty design on my hand!

*side note: goo gone really helps get spray paint off your skin! 

While I was waiting for the first coat to dry the weather dropped a degree or two, it got a little windy and it started to sprinkle. It was beautiful! I LOVED it. So I laid down and just enjoyed the little sprinkle.

Shadow Boxes:
A local craft store in town is shutting down (super sad face about this, but the owner wants to retire) and as a result is selling all of its inventory (even shelves - which we bought two of them and I can't wait to get them in!) so I have been randomly stopping in taking advantage of their discounts. One of the times I went in, I found these cute little shadow box frames, and they have a bunch of different types of shells. So I grabbed two frames, some scrapbook paper, and picked out some shells and went to town!

Have you done any crafts lately? 

August 12, 2014

I'm dreaming....

...of a colorful autumn! We have had some cool temperatures, grey skies, and wet ground off and on for the past week and a half and I have LOVED getting a little taste of what is to come! Autumn is one of my favorite seasons (with winter in a close second), I love all the colors, the brisk air, the sound of crunching leaves, the sweaters and scarves! I love it all!  I have always dreamed of living in New England and I hope to one day be able to fulfill that dream!! So I have been browsing google images at pictures of autumn in New England and these are a few of my favorites! Isn't our King such an amazing artist!!

My oh my, I love that building!!! And the mountain full of trees behind it! I could see us walking Hubble on that path!!

Can you imagine this being your front yard!? I wouldn't mind seeing this everyday, no matter what season it is!

I can picture driving down this road, have some classical or jazz music on, I can just smell the fresh air!!

I have always been a sucker for covered bridges, while I've never seen one in real life, I LOVE them!!

Are you ready for Autumn? What is your favorite season?

August 08, 2014

Friday's letters

Dear Derek, I miss you! I can't wait for you to come home already! Dear Craft Market, I'm sad you are going out of business, but at the same time I am excited for some major discounts. Dear Kyndra, I am excited for you bridal shower tomorrow! Yay for your wedding being a little more than a month away! Dear Autumn, You are so close and we got a little taste of you this week, with cool temperatures, clouds, and a little bit of rain! I can't wait for your cooler temperatures and the pretty colors you bring! Dear Dreams, Stop being nightmares. I'm over you! Dear House, Can you clean yourself today, great thanks! Dear Derek, Thank you so much for loving me and sending me flowers on my birthday since you couldn't be here. Even though the flower company didn't deliver them, knowing that you tried means a lot! I love you!

August 05, 2014

28 things I learned in 28 years

Today is my birthday. So I'm sharing 28 things I've learned in my 28 years.

1. Pajamas are always a good idea. And they are even better when they don't match at all.

2. It's not baking if you don't lick the beaters. Growing up my mom always encouraged licking the beaters!

3. It's ok to not be ok sometimes. Not everyday is going to be the best day and I don't have to fake it.

4. Take too many pictures. At the end of the day they are our best reminders.

5. Complimenting a stranger can make you a new friend. Especially if it's the first day of 9th grade and you are shy.

6. As much as I want to, I will never be a mermaid. I'm too afraid of water.

7. Hugs, tears, and laughter are the best medicine. And most often for me, it's in that order.

8. Be aware of how you are saying somethings is being perceived. While you can't control how other's take your words, it is important to be aware of how they are receiving them. It can save a relationship.

9. Trying new foods won't hurt me. I am the pickiest eater ever and have always been scared to try new foods. But in the past few years I have been a bit more experimental and have been pleasantly surprised.

10. No matter how hard you try to make things happen in your own timeline, God's will ALWAYS take over. And trust me, you definitely want things in His time not your own.

11. Waiting for something you really want SUCKS, but is always worth the wait.

12. It's not about me.

13. Make sure you have people in your life that encourage you and lift you up. But also have people in your life that you can encourage and lift up.

14. It is entirely possible to trip while standing still.

15. Sing! Even if you are tone deaf, sing! It brightens the day!

16. I don't have to be the first. I'm the youngest in my family, so naturally my brothers always did things first, and I hated it. I wanted to be the first, for at least something - whether it was just the first to reach the car, or the first to be finished with dinner. But being first doesn't make a difference. Just use what you have to the best of your ability, and for the glory of the Lord, and you'll be alright!

17. I will always be weird. And I'm learning to like that.

18. Being thin/skinny isn't what makes people pretty. Your heart, your attitude, your confidence, how you love, your laugh, your smile, that is what makes us pretty.

19. Dance even if there is no music. And even if you don't know how!

20. Dying my hair is not a good idea. One small color change can turn into a years worth of terrible hair.

21. You are never too old to watch cartoons on Saturday morning!

22. Curse words are dirty and don't make any sentence sound better nor do they help get the point across.

23. Never wear matching socks - that way you always have a party in your shoes.

24. Don't be afraid to get caught in the rain! And if you are lucky enough to be, then walk a bit slower and jump in every puddle.

25. Christmas music is meant to be played year round.

26. Laugh every day.

27. God is always the answer.

28. You are smarter than you think.

August 04, 2014

Weekend Recap

This weekend was full of fun!

Derek had a test to take up in Reno to get a certification for work, so we made a day of it and drove around town, had pizza at a local pizza shop, then we went to Scheels to look at guns. And we bought one! Our first gun! We got all the accessories we needed and went home and cleaned the gun to get it ready to go shooting! When we got home it was a little too late to head to the shooting range so we headed out to the movies and saw "Edge of Tomorrow" with Tom Cruise and Emily Blunt - it was really good!! Lots of action and a good bit of humor too! I highly recommend it and Derek said it was the best movie he has seen in a long time!

Derek had drill, but it happened to be mandatory (for them) family day up at Lake Tahoe! We kayaked, played frisbee in the lake, played a little bit of basketball, had bacon cheeseburgers, slushies, and cotton candy, laid out on the beach, I got to chat with one of the guys fiancé, we got sunburns, and walked on the dock. It was a beautiful day! After Lake Tahoe, we went home and changed and grabbed our gun and went out to the shooting range! I did pretty well! I shot a couple bullseyes, however, I did get burnt by a rogue shell that flew into my shirt... yikes!

We took it easy, I baked cinnamon rolls for breakfast and Derek packed up his suitcase for a trip he is taking for a class (for work). The girls love playing in the suitcase, so before he could even get anything in there, they both hopped in!

August 01, 2014

August Goals

August already!? I have been blogging here for 1 month already! Can you believe it! I started a few blogs years and years ago, but never kept up with them, but I was encouraged by Lauren over at Bound by Love, and she gave me plenty of ideas to blog about and a list of blogs she follows that she thought I would be interested in, and I'm so thankful! It's only been a month but already, I've met (online) some awesome ladies and am getting to know (through your blogs) some others! I hope that you enjoy visiting me here and feel like you are getting to know me! I am trying to make it my mission to be as authentic and transparent as I can with you. So for those of you that have visited or commented, and for those of you that will. Thank you so much!!!

This summer has flown by! At the beginning of last month I was still in California with my grandma because she fell. Well a couple days after my July goals post, she fell again! This time two of her vertebrae collapsed. So my month started a bit scary/stressful. We were in the hospital for almost 4 days and per doctor's orders has to wear a back brace and use a walker, as she is not allowed to bend, lift, or twist. But I'm happy to report that she is doing well! My dad is there with her now and I know that she is enjoying the time she gets to spend with her son (and he with his mom!)

I am looking forward to August, because for one, it holds my birth day!! But also because it means we are one month closer to AUTUMN! I love the fall and all the beautiful colors it and cool breezes it brings. And yes, the pumpkin spice lattes...

July Goals
-Watch the fireworks on the lake with my grandma - we did get to see the fireworks, however, because she fell on the 3rd, we watched them from her hospital room.
-Complete my personal challenge with the disposable cameras - I will hopefully be sharing that with you this month!
-Get back on track with exercise and eating - YES! and I feel so much better!!
-Hang up the rest of our frames on the gallery wall - I didn't get to this one, but will be adding it to this month!
-Start one summer craft - I am working on re-finishing a mirror
-Go hiking - we didn't get a chance to go on a hike, but we did make it to the farmer's market!!!
-Spend a whole weekend doing absolutely nothing with my sweet Derek (soaking each other in) - yes, it was much needed because we had both been traveling for the past month!

August Goals
-Celebrate my birthday
-Spray paint and hang the rest of our frames
-Go to the Farmer's Market
-Go to Kyndra's bridal shower
-Finish the mirror
-Clean the office
-De-clutter at least two rooms

What are your goals for this month? Share them in the comments below! Or a link to your blog where you posted your goals!
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