I grew up in the Army and we moved around every few years. So I never really have a place to call home. One of the places I was lucky enough to live was Alaska. My parents fell in love with the state and retired there. They have lived there for almost 10 years now and over the years I have come to consider it home, even though I don't live there and only get to visit every couple years. This is part of the beauty that is Alaska. My last trip there was in August of 2012. During the trip we drove out to Chena Hot Springs and on the drive out there are a few spots like this one where the moose frequent for a snack and a fun little swim. One of my favorite things about Alaska is the beauty that is around every corner! So many untouched places, so many colors, and animals. There is a different demeanor over there too. In my opinion they are a bit more relaxed and easy going, and I really like it! I am dreaming of this place today.
Where is home for you? What is your favorite thing about your city/state?
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