November 04, 2015

november goals

Holy macaroni!! How is it November!? October sure was busy and November is proving to be busy as well! We had our first snow the other day, it didn't stick though... but last night.... it snowed and stuck!! I heard it last night as I was getting ready for bed, it sounded like rain/tiny hail hitting the sky light in our bathroom (Phoebe heard it and was so confused, she had no idea where it was coming from!). When I heard it, I went out front to see, and it was amazing! I quickly grabbed my phone to snap some photos, above is one that I got last night of the snow falling... Isn't it just beautiful!! It looks like glitter!! Sadly, by morning most of it had melted.

My October goals list was short because we were out of town for about half of the month - if you didn't read in my last post, you missed that we went to New Zealand and Fiji, but before that I was out of town for one of my best friend's wedding, and a concert before that!

October Goals
-Clean house - done! although everything was just moved from the main living area into the office or the guest room :/ 
-Finish dresser - oh. my. goodness. Y'all!!! It's done, and i love it!! There is a blog post coming for that soon!
-Exercise 4 times a week - I didn't get this one in, but while we were gone we did do hiking and our bungalow in NZ was on a super steep hill.. 

-Drink 8 glasses of water a day (I know I should drink more, but let's just start here) - I didn't get this either :/ it will forever be on my goal list..

On to this month:

November Goals
-Decorate for Christmas (this is already done - I always decorate on Nov 1-, but it was on my list for this month)
-Clean out the guest room
-Clean out the office
-Get our Christmas cards written and addressed, ready to be sent out in December
-Hop back on with #fitgirlsguide 
-Start our Christmas shopping
-Read "A Severe Mercy" with Derek

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