October 22, 2015


Hey friends! As you may have noticed the past few months I've been scarce around these parts. I've been busy busy busy with projects around the house, projects for one of my best friend's wedding, and time traveling with Derek (we went to New Zealand -20 hours ahead- and Fiji -19 hours ahead of me here at home-). In all of this I've been working on some changes (some small, some big) to a few things (My photography and Etsy and this here friendly blog). I'm really excited about everything to come and I can't wait to share everything with you!

Above is an image I snapped while driving around New Zealand. We went to the north island and these beautiful rolling green hills are everywhere, usually covered in polka dots of cows or sheep or both. It was ridiculously beautiful there and we both can't wait to go back someday! Don't worry, I will be posting about the trip!

1 comment:

  1. Great photo!! Adam worked in New Zealand for a summer a few years ago and he still describes it as the most beautiful place he's visited. Hoping I'll get to visit soon, too. Excited for you to share your updates with us...wishing you the best!


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