April 02, 2016

a new home!

Hey friends! I'm moving! Not me and my pups and hubby, but me and the found life. :) I know I've been absent from the blogging world for a bit, but I'm back and in a new home and with a new look!!! Head over to      thefoundlifeblog.com     browse around and have fun! I'll be posting over there from now on :)

Thank you for following me here, I hope that you'll continue to follow over at my new location. :)

April Goals

April showers bring May flowers.... I hope! I love rain and I love flowers! Anyways, can you believe we're already 4 months into this new year!? March seemed to come and go pretty quickly, I got a lot done, but I still feel a little undone.... 
March Goals-Work on the rebranding (getting it ready to finalize) - GAP is still in progress, but TFL is HERE!!!!
-Find some glasses! (I need new glasses with my new prescription, it's a long story but I've been trying to find some since the end of January!) - Finally!!! I have them!
-Exercise a minimum of 4 days a week - yes! It has been so wonderful! I love it!!
-Plan a trip to visit some family - all but one of my trips are planned, just waiting for finalize my last one :)
-Mail packages/birthday things - Check!

April Goals
-Mail out birthday present
-get prints made to send to a few people
-Finish GAP rebrand
-Exercise 4-5 days a week
-Clean backyard

What are your goals?
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